27 novembre 2024
We hope you enjoy listening to the third episode of our podcast series.
Discover our methodology and how we collaborate with companies in French-speaking Switzerland to achieve successful digital transformations.
Welcome, everyone.
You are listening to a podcast from Tinext.
Creating digital experiences, Tinext embraces your challenges and helps you reach your development goals through digitalization. Your talents and expertise shape our support. Each project is designed for people, and by people.
Today we are with Laura and Lydie.
Could you describe the roles you have within Tinext? Lydie?
I am the DX Consulting Manager for French-speaking Switzerland; it's a long title just to say that I have been in charge of launching Tinext's activities in French-speaking Switzerland since 2018 with an office based in Geneva.
Thank you, Laura?
I am a consultant and project manager. That is to say, before the start of a project, my role will be to help clients express their needs in an exhaustive way and guide them through the different steps necessary to reach their objectives; and once the implementation project has begun, my role will be to manage resources, ensure delivery deadlines, as well as to specify the functionalities to be developed according to the needs that have been identified.
Today we're going to talk about digital experience and I have to admit that for some of us it's still a bit of a gray area.
Yes and no. At Tinext, we are now working with clients for whom it is becoming increasingly tangible, and I have an example in mind today: a medium-sized institution in the health sector, which has been present in French-speaking Switzerland for more than 100 years, with a large network of local branches, and which, like many other organizations, has been challenged by the digital era. Challenged because it involves a lot of changes at once and the biggest change we have experienced in recent years is Covid.
Laura, what behaviors have changed with Covid?
The Covid crisis has accelerated a change in purchasing behaviors that were already underway, with an increasingly digitized shopping experience, with more and more purchases being made online, through different channels, and at any time, using smartphones. In addition, the company we're referring to is facing a very competitive environment, especially with the rise of online sales in the health sector.
How has the company positioned itself in response to this observation?
First, the top management realized the importance of digital in the development of the group; they identified different needs internally, but in an isolated way, they undertook initial actions, had discussions with service providers... and they came to a conclusion: it's complex, very complex, and they need to take a step back, to have a global vision of the different stages of the transformation and many questions arise: where do I start? Do I need internal resources? Which resources? Do I need to outsource? How do I get all the employees on board? What strategy should I adopt?
And that's where Tinext comes in?
Exactly. That's when we help companies resolve all these questions and to do that we have a methodology that we put in place. It consists of a series of workshops: a discovery workshop, several workshops focusing on the different business lines of the company, and then technical workshops.
And what happens during these workshops?
During these workshops, we lead discussions, we listen, we take notes of the objectives, the needs, the points of frustration whether it is on the side of their customers, or of their employees... This will allow us to highlight all the elements that will help us build a strategy together.
And what was the outcome of this collaborative work?
We were able to draw up a list of recommendations that we will spread out on a roadmap towards the destination of their digital transformation. And the fact that we did it together, well that's what we put behind the notion of making digital more human.
Thank you, Laura, thank you, Lydie.
To learn more about Tinext's services and mission, we invite you to visit our website