Overcoming oneself is the most difficult challenge: for ATT and Tinext with a long history of collaboration behind it was a new destination portal not only modern and aligned to the new brand but even more engaging for the visitor, a real starting point for the decision and organization of a holiday in Ticino.
A further element of complexity: the migration of contents and the maintenance of the trend of traffic growth that increases on average of about 20% every year.
These challenges are demands for different work in play, flexibility and management.
In just seven months the Tinext team got to know a project that included a substantial revision of the front-end, the migration to the Magnolia version and numerous integrations at various levels, up to a go-live that was oriented to the maximum preservation of SEO positioning .
The editorial team of 15 multi-language editors benefits from a more effective and flexible tool which allows for a stronger community collaboration even for temporary workers.
In addition to the project partnership, Tinext is also an ATT partner for the infrastructure that hosts the Ticino portal and all the different destinations, guaranteeing 24X7 support, continuity and scalability to face the global challenges.
The Experience to tell the territory