Quite recently, online the new portal realized by Tinext on CMS Magnolia for Eolo, the largest independent wireless network in all Italy with a coverage of more than 4.000 municipalities, owned by NGI, Italian Company, leader in broadband field.
Tinext, in close cooperation with NGI team, has been able to improve the User Experience of Customers and Partners, by simplifying the information access and by optimizing also the mobile navigation.
Key points of project, developed on CMS Magnolia, are:
- Home page with strong graphic impact and attractive look & feel;
- Excellent User Experience, then both on desktop and on smartphone and tablet;
- Easy and secure purchase in a few clic;
- Complete self-management of the price plan;
- Strong engagement, thank to the integration with commercial and support chat systems;
- Consistency with Ngi (brand identity) corporate image;
- Users profiling and home personalization of section both for contents and for functionalities (Customer Journey Map);
- Strong integration with internal systems for purchase- and self care-processes;
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO).